Person    | Female  Born 18/3/1848  Died 3/12/1939

Princess Louise Duchess of Argyll

Categories: Royalty, Sculpture

Countries: Canada

Born at Buckingham Palace, sixth child of Queen Victoria. Was a talented sculptress taught, and possibly more, by Joseph Boehm. In 1871 caused a stir by marrying John Douglas Sutherland Campbell, Marquis of Lorne and heir to the dukedom of Argyll, but not actually royalty. He was appointed Governor General of Canada in 1878 and she moved with him to Ottawa as his vice-regal consort. She was the most artistic of Victoria's children, being an able actress, pianist and dancer and a prolific sculptress. She died at Kensington Palace.

She was present in 1890 when Boehm died at his home. Alfred Gilbert, a sculptor and presumably a mutual friend, comforted her in her distress. Significantly Gilbert subsequently gained many royal commissions and also most of Boehm's papers were destroyed. This all comes from the trustworthy Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.

For more information on this sculptor we suggest the book ‘Working Against the Grain: Women Sculptors in Britain c.1885-1950’ by Pauline Rose.

This section lists the memorials created by the subject on this page:
Princess Louise Duchess of Argyll

Creations i

Grosvenor Hospital

This stone was laid by Lady Kortright, 5 August 1896 and the hospital opened ...

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Kensington War Memorial

The monument was designed by Hubert C. Corlette and the figure sculpted by Fr...

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Nottingham House

Society for Improving the Conditions of the Labouring Classes incorporated b...

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Paddington Street Gardens

Off modern information board: gardens became a recreation ground, officially ...

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Queen Victoria statue - Kensington Palace

Oh, dear, her maj seems to be melting away. The statue was a gift from the Ke...

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