
Westmister weather vanes whirleth

Erection date: 1981


{On a plaque inserted in the wall at eye-level:}
The sixteen weather vanes on this Chapel of Henry VII were given by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors to mark the Centenary of its Royal Charter in 1981. The Dean and Chapter of Westminster records its deep gratitude to the Institution and to the other donors whose names are inscribed below the emblem on each vane.

The wind goeth towards the south and turnest about unto the north. It whirleth about continually and the wind returneth again according to his circuits. Ecclesiastes I v6.

We've tried a zoomed-in photograph one of the vanes but the name of the donor was not visible and, call us feeble, but our dedication to memorial collecting does not extend to clambering up each of the 16 towers to read the names of the donors.

Site: Westmister weather vanes whirleth (1 memorial)

SW1, St Margaret Street, Henry VII Chapel / Lady Chapel

Lady Chapel is the east-most part of Westminster Abbey. It was begun in 1503 and constructed at the expense of Henry VII. Slightly lower down on the turrets in our photo there are empty niches, each with a carved label naming a saint (Peter, Andrew, Luke, etc.) but no statue. RICs have had their HQ on Parliament Square since 1898 so we imagine they have formed a special relationship with their local Abbey.

This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
Westmister weather vanes whirleth

Subjects commemorated i

This section lists the subjects who helped to create/erect the memorial on this page:
Westmister weather vanes whirleth

Created by i

Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors

The Surveyors Club was formed in 1792 but the modern group was formed in 1868...

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Dean and Chapter of Westminster Abbey

The ecclesiastical governing body of Westminster Abbey is the Dean together w...

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