Monument | War dead | WW1

Smithfield war memorial

Erection date: 22/7/1921


{On the cartouche at the top:}
1914 - 1918
Remember with thanksgiving the true and faithful men who in these years of war went forth from this place for God and the right. The names of those who returned not again are here inscribed to be honoured evermore.

{Below the elaborate cartouche there are 212 names listed alphabetically in 5 columns, except for 16 names which are out of sequence, mainly either added at the end of a column or squeezed in to share a line where there is room. This suggests that they are late additions, which is interesting (well, we think so) so we have noted this on their records, accessible at "Subjects Commemorated".}

{On the red granite to the left of the crest:}
This memorial was unveiled by the Rt. Hon. The Lord Mayor
(Alderman J. Roll) on 22nd July 1921.

{On the red granite to the right of the crest:}
In addition to this war memorial 3 beds were endowed in St. Bartholomew’s Hospital.

{Below this, to the left:}
G. Hawkings & Son - Sculptors.

{The plaque on the red granite plinth reads:}
For he shall give his angels charge over thee.
In memory of all men, women and children of Smithfield who lost their lives in conflict since the Great War.

Dedicated by HRH the Princess Royal, 15th June 2005,
On behalf of the Lord Mayor of London Alderman Michael Savory and the Corporation of London, the Smithfield Market Tenants’ Association and the Worshipful Company of Butchers.

This memorial was first installed in 1921 for WW1. In 2005 it was refurbished and the red granite plinth with its plaque were added, all funded by the Corporation, the Tenants Association and the Butchers guild. This refurbishment, unveiled on 15 June 2005 by the Princess Royal and Lord Mayor Savory, was dedicated to the Smithfield fallen since WW1. We have to take on trust that the "men, women and children of Smithfield who lost their lives in conflict since the Great War" is intended to encompass the 110, including many women and children queueing to buy meat, who died when a V2 rocket hit the market during the final days of WW2 in 1945. What a pity that the 2005 plaque does not actually mention the V2.

Site: Smithfield war memorial + firemen (2 memorials)

EC1, Grand Avenue, Smithfield Market

This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
Smithfield war memorial

Subjects commemorated i

World War 1

We'd always assumed that this war was known as the Great War until WW2 came a...

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men, women and children of Smithfield who lost their lives in conflict since WW1

Although the Smithfield memorial does not specifically refer to them this ded...

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This section lists the subjects who helped to create/erect the memorial on this page:
Smithfield war memorial

Created by i

Worshipful Company of Butchers

From the Butchers' website: "Five of our seven Halls were burned down includi...

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Corporation of the City of London

The municipal governing body of the City of London. Officially the 'Mayor and...

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G. Hawkings & Son

Active in 1921.

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This section lists the other memorials at the same location as the memorial on this page:
Smithfield war memorial

Also at this site i

Fourt-Wells + Stocking

Fourt-Wells + Stocking

To mark the 60th anniversary of the fire this plaque was unveiled, on one of ...

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