Charter granted by King Henry VII in 1486. The City's second oldest guild. (Weavers is the answer to your question.)
This section lists the memorials where the subject on this page is commemorated:
Worshipful Company of Bakers
Commemorated ati
Boy and panyer
This naked boy sitting on his pannier (basket) is thought to refer to the bak...
This section lists the memorials created by the subject on this page:
Worshipful Company of Bakers
Creations i
Faryner's shop
Near this site stood the shop belonging to Thomas Faryner, the King's baker, ...
Other Subjects
Mitre Tavern
Fleet Street. This pub dates from Shakespeare's time. Johnson and Boswell often visited. It was pulled down in 1829 by Hoares to extend their bank.
Cornhill Standard
A water conduit, and point of measurement. From Wikipedia: "first mechanically pumped public water supply in London, constructed in 1582 on the site of earlier hand-pumped wells and gravity-fed con...
Julian Metcalfe
Co-founder of Pret a Manger with Sinclair Beecham, who he met at the Polytechnic of Central London. Also founded the itsu chain of Asian-inspired restaurants.
Michael Tierney
Mine host of the Windsor Castle pub in 1990. Distinguished member of the Handlebar Club since 2007.