
St Mary's Church Tower

Erection date: 1913


This tower, being in imminent danger of ruin owing to the weakness of the foundations, was underpinned and made secure. In memory of Emily Blanche Carr-Gomm Lady of the Manor of Rotherhithe, by her son Hubert William Culling Carr-Gomm, Member of Parliament for Rotherhithe AD 1913.

Site: St Mary the Virgin Rotherhithe (4 memorials)

SE16, St Marychurch Street, St Mary the Virgin Church

The Christopher Jones statue is on the left of the picture, and Prince Lee Boo's tomb in the centre (next to the rather incongruous children's climbing frame).

Our information comes from St Marys Rotherhithe's website.

Credit for this entry to: Alan Patient of

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This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
St Mary's Church Tower

Subjects commemorated i

Emily Carr-Gomm

She was born as Emily Blanche Carr on 4 July 1849 at Lownes Street, London, S...

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Hubert Carr-Gomm

Politician and publisher.  Hubert William Culling Carr-Gomm was born on 20 J...

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Manor of Rotherhithe

First recorded in Norman times as part of the royal demesne. It had a long su...

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This section lists the other memorials at the same location as the memorial on this page:
St Mary's Church Tower

Also at this site i

Christopher Jones statue

Christopher Jones statue

The statue represents Jones looking back at England, while the child is looki...

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Prince Lee Boo's tomb

Prince Lee Boo's tomb

A plaque inside St Mary's church also commemorates the prince. October 2014:...

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The Sailing of the Mayflower

The Sailing of the Mayflower

Sailing of the Mayflower. In 1620 the Mayflower sailed from Rotherhithe on t...

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