
Hippodrome - Judy Garland

Erection date: 31/1/2013


Judy Garland, 1922 - 1969, "The greatest entertainer who ever lived" performed here 1969. Presented by her daughter, Lorna Luft.
The Hippodrome
The Talk of the Town

Site: Hippodrome performers (4 memorials)

WC2, Cranbourn Street, Hippodrome casino

Left to right down the plaques are: Forsyth, Davis, Garland, Houdini, which we think is the sequence of erection.

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This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
Hippodrome - Judy Garland

Subjects commemorated i

Judy Garland

born Frances Ethel Gumm in Minnesota, USA. She came to London in 1951, and in...

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This section lists the subjects who helped to create/erect the memorial on this page:
Hippodrome - Judy Garland

Created by i

London Hippodrome

From Hippodrome Casino: "Originally opened in 1900 by the renowned theatre ar...

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Lorna Luft

Daughter of Judy Garland by her third husband, Sidney Luft.  She has worked i...

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This section lists the other memorials at the same location as the memorial on this page:
Hippodrome - Judy Garland

Also at this site i

Hippodrome - Bruce Forsyth

Hippodrome - Bruce Forsyth

Sir Bruce appeared eight times between May 1964 and February 1981 and unveile...

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Hippodrome - Harry Houdini

Hippodrome - Harry Houdini

The plaque refers to the London Daily Mirror newspaper which challenged Houdi...

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Hippodrome - Sammy Davis Jr.

Hippodrome - Sammy Davis Jr.

Unveiled by Bruce Forsyth.

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Nearby Memorials

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Being interior shots our photos are lower quality than usual but we think this just adds atmosphere to the murder scene. The plaque is o...

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SW5, Barkston Gardens, 22

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