


The Great Cloister of The London Charterhouse, 1371 - 1538, once occupied this ground. After Charterhouse School, 1611 - 1872, and Merchant Taylors' School, 1875 - 1933, it became the home of The Medical College of St Bartholomew's Hospital, since 1995 St Bartholomew's and The Royal London School of Medicine and Dentistry.
Remember those who lived, studied and taught here, especially Saint John Houghton, Prior of the London Charterhouse, who was martyred on 4 May 1535, and the Monks and Lay Brothers who, soon after him, suffered death and persecution.

May the cause of healing inspire all who study and teach here today.

Site: Charterhouse (1 memorial)

EC1, Charterhouse Square

Various spots in London are touted as "plaque pits" on little or no evidence but skeletons and archaeology have proved that Charterhouse Square was a mass burial pit used during the Black Death plaque of 1348.

This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:

Subjects commemorated i

Charterhouse School

Founded by Thomas Sutton in 1611, the year of his death. An ex-Carthusian pri...

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London Charterhouse

Carthusian priory, founded by Sir Walter Manny and Bishop Michael Northburg o...

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Medical College of St Bartholomew's Hospital

From AIM: "Medical students at St Bartholomew's Hospital are first recorded i...

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Merchant Taylors' School

Founded in 1561 by Sir Thomas White and originally at St Lawrence Pountney, E...

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Carthusian Martyrs

18 Carthusians were executed for refusing to accept Henry VIII as the head of...

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