
Battle of Cable Street - Dock Street


Tower Hamlets Environment Trust
The Battle of Cable Street
The people of East London rallied to Cable Street on the 4th October 1936 and forced back the march of the fascist Oswald Mosley and his Blackshirts through the streets of the East End.
"They shall not pass"

The red colour of this plaque is, we're sure, chosen on purely aesthetic grounds.

Site: Battle of Cable Street - Dock Street (1 memorial)

E1, Dock Street

This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
Battle of Cable Street - Dock Street

Subjects commemorated i

Battle of Cable Street

Mosley planned to march thousands of his British Union of Fascists through th...

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See Oswald Mosley.

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Oswald Mosley

Politician and Fascist leader. Born at 47 Hill Street, Mayfair, into landed g...

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This section lists the subjects who helped to create/erect the memorial on this page:
Battle of Cable Street - Dock Street

Created by i

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