Person    | Male  Born 23/4/1564  Died 23/4/1616

William Shakespeare

Born and died in Stratford-upon-Avon. His birth date is usually given as the 23rd, the same date as his death, but all that is actually known is that he was baptised 3 days later, on the 26th. Even his date of death seems a little uncertain. The 23rd also happens to be St George's Day, for the patron saint of England. Neat.

We have found 23 other people who died on their birthdays, notable amongst them: Sidney Bechet, Sir Otto Beit, John Harrison, George Morris (aged 6), Captain Oates, Baron Ferdinand de Rothschild, Edward Maufe.

Londonist have researched Shakespeare's 4 known London addresses.

2021: We had to change the image on this page because new information had come to light. The Guardian reported: "The effigy above his grave in Holy Trinity church in Stratford-upon-Avon was thought to have been installed several years after his death in 1616 and, as a posthumous memorial, not an actual likeness. .... But new research has found that the bust was in fact modelled from life by a sculptor who knew him."

This section lists the memorials where the subject on this page is commemorated:
William Shakespeare

Commemorated ati

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This section lists the memorials created by the subject on this page:
William Shakespeare

Creations i

2012 Olympics Bell

The quotation, from Shakespeare's 'The Tempest', was spoken by Kenneth Branag...

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Beaufoy Institute - 2 stones

The phrase "Those that do teach..." is a quote from Shakespeare's Othello, De...

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Golden Jubilee sundial

This is an analemmatic sundial. A gnomon that moves according to the date ma...

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John Fox Burgoyne

The quote is from Shakespeare's play Coriolanus.

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Kensington War Memorial

The monument was designed by Hubert C. Corlette and the figure sculpted by Fr...

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2 memorials