From the website: "QPARA was established by local residents in 1973 as an entirely voluntary organisation keen to preserve the integrity of the conservation area … and that’s what we still do, but now so much more besides!"
This section lists the memorials where the subject on this page is commemorated:
Queen's Park Area Residents' Association
Commemorated ati
Queen's Park Area Residents Association
Chequer Tree, Sorbus torminalis, planted to commemorate the 40th anniversary ...
This section lists the memorials created by the subject on this page:
Queen's Park Area Residents' Association
Creations i
Queen's Park Area Residents Association
Chequer Tree, Sorbus torminalis, planted to commemorate the 40th anniversary ...
Other Subjects
Henry Joshua (Jos) Brown
President of the Rotary Club of Enfield and local horticulturist.
Queen Elizabeth College Almshouses
Founded by William Lambard to house twenty local, elderly, poor people and entrusted to be run by the Drapers' Company. The original buildings were demolished in 1818, and their replacements were e...
Stoke Newington Literary Festival
From their website in 2022: "Since 2010, we’ve been celebrating the area’s radical and literary history with a festival that’s become one of the most eclectic, diverse and, frankly, FUN in the lite...