Builder and economist, a key figure in the rebuilding of London after the Great Fire. Laid out Essex Street in 1675. Also redeveloped Red Lion Fields and the Temple. It seems he was an extrovert rogue, dishonest and manipulative. Died, probably at his home in Osterley House, Middlesex, heavily in debt. Good write up at London Historians.
His father, a preacher and politician, had the unusual first name: "Praisegod". That we believe is true since the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography has an entry for Praisegod. Wikipedia's entry for Nicholas has his middle name as "Unless-Jesus-Christ-Had-Died-For-Thee-Thou-Hadst-Been-Damned". This is not mentioned in the ODNB so we wonder if it is one of those ho-ho-ho jokes for which Wikipedia's less-than-serious contributors are famed.
This section lists the memorials where the subject on this page is commemorated:
Nicholas Barbon
Commemorated ati
Essex Street & Essex Hall
This plaque was first erected at 7 Essex Street in 1962 and then re-erected h...
Other Subjects
Sir Arthur Mackmurdo
Architect and designer. Born Arthur Heygate Mackmurdo. In 1874, he travelled to Italy with John Ruskin to study the architecture. He later opened his own architectural practice in London, and in 1...
James Gibbs
Architect, pupil of Wren. Born Aberdeen. Died at home in Henrietta Street. Buried at old parish Church of St Marylebone.
Felix Lander
Architect. He worked initially with Raymond Unwin, designing several buildings in Letchworth and Welwyn Garden Cities. He later joined the firm of Adams and Holden, before going into partnership wi...
Royal School of Naval Architecture
Established in South Kensington on the site now occupied by the V&A Museum.
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