Concept    From 9/12/1868  To 2/1/1869

First traffic lights in world

Categories: Engineering, Science

Less than a month after the lights were installed the lamp blew up, seriously injuring the policeman who was operating it. See the IET and the Victorianist for two different takes on the story.

2017: Londonist describes how these rather odd lights worked, or not.

This section lists the memorials where the subject on this page is commemorated:
First traffic lights in world

Commemorated ati

Peake Knight, 1st traffic lights

City of Westminster John Peake Knight, 1828 - 86, inventor of the world's fi...

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Other Subjects

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St Pancras Station

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Basil Mott

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William Young Moyes

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1 memorial
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Thames Tunnel Boiler House

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1 memorial