The foundry established by William Caslon, typefounder, 1692 - 1766 stood on this site, 1737 - 1909.
London County Council
Site: William Caslon - EC1 (2 memorials)
EC1, Chiswell Street, 24 or 21 - 23
See Spitalfields Life for a good post on the Caslon Foundry.
April 2017: John Whitehead told us the plaque has been removed by developers. Checking Google Maps history we see that between July 2004 and May 2014 the remodelling of the entrance caused the removal of the plaque - and it has not returned. So we've now added this plaque to our Lost memorials list.
April 2021: Our colleague, Alan Patient, has taken photos of the re-erected plaque, on the re-presented building.