
Watney Market sewer deaths

Erection date: 1996


This clock tower was erected in 1996 to the memory of
Stephen Hammond
David Richardson
Paul Richardson
who were overcome by fumes while working in this building 22nd September 1990.

The plaque refers to the men being overcome by fumes while "working in this building" but the tragedy took place in a sewer.  Seems the plaque authors chose not to state the unpleasant truth.

Site: Watney Market sewer deaths (1 memorial)

E1, Commercial Road, Watney Market clock tower

Credit for this entry to: Alan Patient of www.plaquesof

This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
Watney Market sewer deaths

Subjects commemorated i

Watney Market sewer deaths

Initially we could find very little information about the event in which thes...

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Workers killed at work (builders)

The thousands of building workers who have lost their lives at work. Researc...

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Stephen Augustine Hammond

Stephen Augustine Hammond was born on 5 February 1958, the elder child of Aug...

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David Richardson

David Richardson was born on 22 December 1970, one of the three children of D...

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Paul Richardson

Paul Richardson was born on 7 December 1972, one of the three children of Der...

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