
Tower Liberty boundary


E II R No 26

This marker was formerly attached to the western range of buildings at St Katharine's Dock, and was presumably renewed when these were demolished in the 1970s.

Site: Tower Liberty boundary (1 memorial)

E1, St Katherine's Way

This plaque was brought to our attention by Antoinette Ward and had us foxed. It was destined for Puzzle Corner but then Matt of Londonist came up with the answer. It's a marker for the boundary of the Tower Liberty. And Ian Visits has recently explained how this and the other markers of the Liberty are beaten.

This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
Tower Liberty boundary

Subjects commemorated i

Queen Elizabeth II

Born 17 Bruton Street, to the Duke and Duchess of York. For information on wh...

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Tower Liberty

The area in and around the Tower which was free from the jurisdiction of the ...

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Nearby Memorials

William Smith

William Smith

SW1, Queen Anne's Gate, 16

Greater London Council William Smith, M.P., 1756 - 1835, pioneer of religious liberty, lived here.

1 subject commemorated, 1 creator
Benjamin Britten - SW5

Benjamin Britten - SW5

SW5, Cromwell Road, 173

Benjamin Britten O.M.,1913-1976, composer, lived here 1931-1933. English Heritage

1 subject commemorated, 1 creator
Victims of WW2

Victims of WW2

SE5, Camberwell Green

This plaque is on the right-hand fork of the path close to the Camberwell Green air-raid memorial. It is unusually wide in its scope of c...

2 subjects commemorated
Verlaine birth

Verlaine birth

57000, W, Rue Haute Pierre, 2

In Metz, France. Yes, you guessed it, we spotted this while on holiday, and knowing we already had plaques for Verlaine in London and on ...

1 subject commemorated
Sir George Grove - Westwood Hill

Sir George Grove - Westwood Hill

SE26, Westwood Hill, 14

Sir George Grove, 1820 - 1900, promoter of musical knowledge, lived here. English Heritage

1 subject commemorated, 1 creator