Erection date: 1905
{Front of plinth:}
Sir Henry Tate baronet, vpright merchant, wise philanthropist.
Born March 11 1819. Died 8 December 1899.
{Intertwined on the front of the socle (between the bust and the plinth):}
{Rear of plinth:}
Erected by pvblic svbscription, 1905.
{The use of 'v's for 'u' is not our affectation.}
The inscribed day of death, 8, is consistently contradicted by other sources which give 5. The inscription on the rear of the plinth is almost completely eroded, so we are grateful to the Public Monuments and Sculpture Association for the information.
Site: Sir Henry Tate (1 memorial)
SW2, Effra Road, Brixton Tate Library
Credit for this entry to: Alan Patient of