Founders Hall, 1 Cloth Fair
The Worshipful Company of Founders, Award of Honour.
Site: Founders' Hall - Cloth Fair, plaques (2 memorials)
EC1, Cloth Fair, 1
This was the third site of the Founders Hall which was built here 1985-7. The two plaques are either side of a very impressive solid wooden door which seems unused.
The black panels below the lower windows, presumably from a foundry, show circles split into quadrants, 2 or 3 of which contain a letter. At first glance this alphabet soup is very puzzling but we guess that these are initials of important people of the Founders' Company from the past.
From the Founders' website: "The new Hall was designed by Sam Lloyd and the building much reflects the traditions so ably established by his grandfather, William Curtis Green (1875-1960), one of the leading Arts and Crafts house architects. The latest Founders' Hall rejects the modern movement and is built of traditional materials in a manner which is in keeping with this historic part of the City. The Hall was opened by the Lord Mayor, Sir David Rowe-Ham, in September 1987."