
Aske's Hospital - left - 1828


At a court of assistants of the Worshipful Company of Haberdashers, London, held at their hall on the 8th day of September 1828,
John Hoffman, Esq. - Master
Mr John Statton, Mr Samuel Butler, Mr James Durnford Capel, Mr Thomas Howell – Wardens
it was resolved unanimously that the cordial thanks of this court be given to Benjamin Hawes, Esquire, for his valuable services upon many occasions and in particular as a testimony of the high opinion entertained by them of his disinterested conduct and indefatigable exertions in his place as a member of this court, which led to the rebuilding of Aske’s Hospital upon its present plan and the appropriation of the adjacent ground for buildings whereby the benevolent intentions of the founder were promoted and extended, the comforts of the aged pensioners materially increased, the advantages of the boys in the school improved and the revenues of the charity essentially and permanently augmented.

Resolved: that in order to perpetuate these sentiments of the court be referred to the Master and senior wardens, with the mover and the seconder of the motion to inscribe the foregoing resolution on a suitable tablet, to be affixed in the dining hall or committee room or some other conspicuous part of the building at Hoxton.

By order – Hambly Knapp, Clerk

Note that the plaque says that not only was a new building erected but also that the site was extended into the adjacent ground.

Site: Aske's Hospital (2 memorials)

N1, Pitfield Street

These large plaques are on the back wall of this portico, either side of the entrance door. See Aske's Hospital for information about the building.

This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
Aske's Hospital - left - 1828

Subjects commemorated i

Aske's Hospital

About the building, from Shoreditch College: "The first building on {this sit...

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Sir Benjamin Hawes

From British History Online: Master of the Haberdashers Company 1833-4 and le...

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This section lists the subjects who helped to create/erect the memorial on this page:
Aske's Hospital - left - 1828

Created by i

Samuel Butler

One of the wardens of Aske's Hospital in 1828.

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James Durnford Capel

One of the wardens of Aske's Hospital in 1828. We have found two possible app...

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Thomas Howell

One of the wardens of Aske's Hospital in 1828.

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Hambly Knapp

Clerk for the Haberdashers Company in 1826-8, at least.

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John Statton

One of the wardens of Aske's Hospital in 1828.

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This section lists the other memorials at the same location as the memorial on this page:
Aske's Hospital - left - 1828

Also at this site i

Aske's Hospital - right - 1875

Aske's Hospital - right - 1875

This plaque summarises the history of the Hospital and celebrates the opening...

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