
Aske's Hospital - right - 1875

Erection date: 5/6/1875


The hospital at Hoxton for twenty freemen and twenty sons of freemen of the Worshipful Company of Haberdashers of London, of the foundation of Robert Aske, Esquire, was first erected on this site AD 1695.
The buildings having become greatly dilapidated were re-built AD 1826.
In pursuance of a new scheme in 1873
- the alms houses were taken down and out-pensions provided for freemen.
- the school buildings greatly enlarged for the instruction of three hundred boys and three hundred girls were opened on the 5th June AD 1875 by his Royal Highness Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught, KG, KP, KT, KMG, a liveryman and honorary member of the court of the Haberdashers Company. 
- new schools were also erected at Hatcham New Cross for 300 boys and 200 girls. 
Managers: {list of 15 names, see Subjects commemorated.}
Jnd. Curtis - Clerk

This plaque summarises the history of the Hospital and celebrates the opening of the new school in 1875.

Site: Aske's Hospital (2 memorials)

N1, Pitfield Street

These large plaques are on the back wall of this portico, either side of the entrance door. See Aske's Hospital for information about the building.

This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
Aske's Hospital - right - 1875

Subjects commemorated i

Aske's Hospital

About the building, from Shoreditch College: "The first building on {this sit...

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Robert Aske

Son of a draper. Worked as a haberdasher; 1643 became a Freeman of the Haberd...

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This section lists the subjects who helped to create/erect the memorial on this page:
Aske's Hospital - right - 1875

Created by i

J. A. Archer, Esq.

One of the managers of the 1873-75 changes at Aske’s Hospital.

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Mrs Ann Baker

One of the managers of the 1873-75 changes at Aske’s Hospital.

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Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught and Strathearn

Born Arthur William Patrick Albert, the seventh child and third son of Queen ...

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Mr Alderman Cotton, MP

One of the managers of the 1873-75 changes at Aske’s Hospital.

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Jno. Curtis

Clerk for the managers that ran the 1873-75 changes at Aske’s Hospital. May b...

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Show all 17

This section lists the other memorials at the same location as the memorial on this page:
Aske's Hospital - right - 1875

Also at this site i

Aske's Hospital - left - 1828

Aske's Hospital - left - 1828

Note that the plaque says that not only was a new building erected but also t...

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We thank our language consultant, David Hopkins, for the translation.

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