This section lists the memorials created by the subject on this page:
Worshipful Company of Cooks
Creations i
Cooks' Hall - bronze plaque
{Below the arms of the Worshipful Company of Cooks:} Cooks Hall was built on...
Other Subjects
Inception Group
Company founded by Charlie Gilkes and Duncan Stirling. It operates a group of theme bars, restaurants and clubs.
Eel, pie and mash shop. Founded by husband and wife William and Emily Arment, and still run by their descendants. We don't know if our picture shows the real David Jason as 'Del Boy' or whether the...
Tabard Inn
Set up by an abbot from Winchester to give his brethren somewhere to stay in London and to provide accomodation to pilgrims on their way to Canterbury, in particular Chaucer's pilgrims, who set off...
Cornhill Standard
A water conduit, and point of measurement. From Wikipedia: "first mechanically pumped public water supply in London, constructed in 1582 on the site of earlier hand-pumped wells and gravity-fed con...