Group    From 11/2/1826 

University College London (UCL)

Categories: Education

The first English university established since Oxford and Cambridge and the first not to discriminate on race, class or religion, and the first to accept women on equal terms. Jeremy Bentham was not its founder but was its spiritual father.

This section lists the memorials where the subject on this page is commemorated:
University College London (UCL)

Commemorated ati

Brown Dog statue

See our page for the original statue for a description of the Brown Dog affai...

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Brown Dog statue - original - lost

The structure is a reasonably standard late Victorian drinking fountain, in g...

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Sarah Parker Remond

Sarah Parker Remond, 1826 - 1894, African American abolitionist, lecturer, su...

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Zachary Macaulay - WC1

Zachary Macaulay FRS, 1768 - 1838, anti-slavery activist, statistician, one o...

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This section lists the memorials created by the subject on this page:
University College London (UCL)

Creations i

Bentham in Queen Anne's Gate

Jeremy Bentham, philosopher and reformer, 1748 - 1832, lived in a house on th...

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Gregory Foster

By resolution of the University College Committee of the Sixth of June 1933 t...

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UCL quad - creation

This quadrangle of University College London, of which the first stone was la...

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This inscription is placed here to perpetuate the memory of the members of th...

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Other Subjects

Sir John Kirk

Sir John Kirk

J.P., Christian philanthropist, the children's friend.  Not to be confused with Sir John Kirk (1832-1922), the African explorer.  Sir John's great great grandson, Peter Mitchell, contacted us to sa...

Person, Children, Education, Philanthropy

1 memorial
Albert Barff

Albert Barff

Head of the choir school at St Pauls.  When he died he was vicar of St. Giles's, Cripplegate, and Prebendary of St. Paul's. Andrew Behan and kindly researched this entry for us: Born 2 Paradise Pl...

Person, Education, Music / songs, Religion

1 memorial
Haggerston Road School

Haggerston Road School

We can find very little about this school, it's all just hints and pointers. AIM25's holdings for All Saints Church include some records about the parish school, presumably this one.  The earlies...

Building, Education

2 memorials
Blackheath Proprietary School

Blackheath Proprietary School

Established to give its pupils an education similar to that of the public schools. It was so called as it was owned by a group of a hundred share holding proprietors who could send or nominate a pu...

Building, Education

1 memorial
Naonobu Sameshima

Naonobu Sameshima

Became a student at UCL in 1865.

Person, Education, Japan

1 memorial

Previously viewed

St James's Theatre - SWET

St James's Theatre - SWET

SW1, King Street, 23-24

The passageway between the pub and the modern building houses the SWET plaque and the Olivier relief. The other 3 reliefs are at the far ...

5 subjects commemorated, 2 creators
Northern Outfall Sewer

Northern Outfall Sewer

A major 'gravity' sewer running from Hackney to Beckton. Mainly designed by Sir Joseph Bazalgette after an outbreak of cholera in 1853 and the 'Great Stink' in the Thames of 1858. Our picture shows...

Place, Engineering, Social Welfare

2 memorials
Federica Baldassa

Federica Baldassa

Killed by a Greggs delivery vehicle at about 21.20 on a Friday evening, aged 26.  The lorry was turning left into Bloomsbury Square (some yards west of the site of the ghost bike). Came here fro...

Person, Cyclist, Tragedy, Italy

1 memorial
Arthur H. Valentine

Arthur H. Valentine

Committee chairman in Bow in 1900. Our colleague Andrew Behan has researched this man: Initially (ha) we thought the middle initial on the plaque read 'R' but since that name lead nowhere Andrew ...

Person, Politics & Administration

1 memorial
General Haynau

General Haynau

SE1, Park Street

In the 19th century this brewery was on the elite tourist trail so in 1850 when Haynau arrived in London here he came. But his reputatio...

2 subjects commemorated