Group    From 2000 

Tower Hamlets Community Housing Ltd

Categories: Social Welfare

THCH is a charitable housing provider managing over 3,000 homes exclusively in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets. Established in 2000 as part of a Government programme to transfer housing from local authorities to social landlords.

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This section lists the memorials created by the subject on this page:
Tower Hamlets Community Housing Ltd

Creations i

Ada House

Ada House This block was built in 1937 by the London County Council and was n...

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Arthur Deakin

Arthur Deakin House This block was built in 1956 by Stepney Borough Council a...

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Beechwood - William Sebright

Beechwood House This building was built in 1948 by the London County Council ...

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Cobden House

Cobden House This block was built in 1958 by the London County Council and wa...

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Coburg Dwellings

Coburg Dwellings This block was built by the Mercers Company in 1904. It was ...

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Other Subjects

William Booth

William Booth

Founded the Salvation Army.  Born Nottingham.  Came to London in 1849 to find better paid work and became a travelling lay preacher for the Methodists.  Married Catherine Mumford in 1855.  With his...

Person, Religion, Social Welfare

6 memorials
Hoxton Market Christian Mission

Hoxton Market Christian Mission

Founded by John and Lewis Burtt. Described by Charles Booth as a "soup kitchen and refuge for the poor". Janet Seale wrote to us in 2013: "I used to attend Sunday School at Hoxton Market Christian ...

Group, Social Welfare

1 memorial
Beatrice Webb

Beatrice Webb

Social scientist, economist and political reformer. Born as Beatrice Potter in Gloucestershire. Charles Booth was her cousin. Married Sidney Webb in 1892 - the picture source quotes her very uncomp...

Person, Politics & Administration, Social Welfare

1 memorial
Penny Savings Bank

Penny Savings Bank

From Tottenham Quakers  "In 1798 Priscilla Wakefield founded the first "frugality bank" in England. This she founded at Ship Inn Yard in Tottenham. It was intended to help people on lower incomes t...

Concept, Commerce, Social Welfare

1 memorial
Tower Hill Improvement Trust

Tower Hill Improvement Trust

Created by Tubby Clayton, Dr B R Leftwich, Lord Wakefield and Sir Follett Holt.  Purpose: to improve Tower Hill by removing from it certain ugly buildings which at that time disfigured it and hampe...

Group, Architecture, Social Welfare

2 memorials