Born Chancery Lane. An unpopular Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. Supported Charles I against Parliament and so the Long Parliament impeached him and he was beheaded on Tower Hill.
This section lists the memorials where the subject on this page is commemorated:
Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Strafford
Commemorated ati
Tower Hill Martyrs - list
{5 plaques, in total listing 27 names, each with their year of death, the fir...
Westminster Hall - Wentworth
Initially we thought that the plaque was installed by the first person to hol...
Other Subjects
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Burnt at the stake in Bow (or possibly Stratford) for his Protestant beliefs.
Private Farquar Shaw
The Highland regiment, the Black Watch, had been marched down from Scotland to Finchley where, hearing rumours that they were to be sent to fight in America, about 100 soldiers went absent without ...
Edward Plantagenet, Earl of Warwick
His father, George Duke of Clarence, was executed for treason by being drowned in a vat of Malmsey wine, if we believe Shakespeare. Edward was a potential claimant to the English throne and so imp...
Jane Boleyn, Viscountess Rochford
Born Jane Parker, a distant relative of Henry VIII, she became a lady-in-waiting to his first wife, Catherine of Aragon, and to quite a few of those that followed. Married Anne Boleyn’s brother, G...
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