Place    From 1152  To 1539

Holywell Priory

Categories: Religion

This covered a roughly square-shaped area, bounded by: (clockwise) Bateman's Row, Shoreditch High Street Holywell Lane, Curtain Road. Founded 1152/8 by Robert Fitz Generan and you won't be surprised to learrn that it was named after a holy well.  Dissolved in 1539 as part of the Dissolution of the Monesteries.

Our picture source, the wonderful app Time Travel Explorer discusses the interesting and puzzling feature on the map jus to the west of the Priory.

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This section lists the memorials where the subject on this page is commemorated:
Holywell Priory

Commemorated ati

Holywell Priory

This area formed part of Holywell Priory, founded 1152/8, dissolved 1539, nam...

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