
General Letter Office

Categories: Commerce


We did not find the website of The British Postal Museum & Archive terribly helpful whereas The Wargrave Local History Society is far more informative and with reference to the GLO says: "Charles II appointed Henry Bishop as the first Postmaster General who established the General Letter Office. All the post went to London, where clerks calculated the charge to be paid by the recipient".

This section lists the memorials where the subject on this page is commemorated:
General Letter Office

Commemorated ati

General Letter Office

Near this spot the General Letter Office stood in Post House Yard, 1653 - 166...

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Other Subjects

Lord Weatherill

Lord Weatherill

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Person, Armed Forces, Commerce, Liveries & Guilds, Politics & Administration

1 memorial
Worshipful Company of Skinners

Worshipful Company of Skinners

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Group, Commerce, Education, Liveries & Guilds

1 memorial
Doves Bindery

Doves Bindery

The Doves Press in Hammersmith was founded in 1900 by Thomas Cobden-Sanderson in partnership with Emery Walker and was named after the nearby pub.  Sanderson had already set up The Doves Bindery in...

Place, Commerce, Literature

2 memorials
Whitecross Street Market

Whitecross Street Market

One of London's oldest markets.  Started trading in 17th century and was known locally as "Squalors Market".  This information, on the plaque, comes from Wikipedia.  We can't add to it.

Place, Commerce

1 memorial

Previously viewed

Dame Elizabeth Lane

Dame Elizabeth Lane

EC4, Middle Temple Lane, Temple Church - garden

The plaque can just be seen in our photo, on the wall in shadow, between the wide arched openings. The pedestrian in our photo was direct...

1 subject commemorated, 1 creator
Fighter Command

Fighter Command

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Group, Armed Forces

1 memorial
Holly Village

Holly Village

N6, Swains Lane

This charming Victorian gothic development of 12 Grade 2 listed homes, completed in 1865 was at the southern extremity of the Holly Lodge...

1 subject commemorated