Erection date: /12/1870
In the Bunhill Fields Burial Ground opposite lie the remains of Susannah Wesley, widow of the Rev. Samuel Wesley MA, Rector of Epworth Lincolnshire, who died July 23rd 1742, aged 78 years. She was the youngest daughter of the Rev Samuel Annesley DD, ejected by the Act of Uniformity form the rectory of St Giles Cripplegate, Aug. 24th 1662. She was the mother of the Revs. John and Charles Wesley, the former of whom was under God the founder of the societies of the people called Methodists.
{On the base of the plinth:}
This monument was erected by public subscription, December 1870.
Site: John Wesley's house (2 memorials)
EC1, City Road
The plaque is on the yellow brick wall, hidden by the bush with red flowers.