
St Mary Magdalene Gardens

Erection date: 1/5/1894


These grounds were laid out under the Open Spaces Act at the joint expense of the Vestry of Islington and of the London County Council and were opened to the public by the Rev. W. H. Barlow BD, Vicar of Islington, 1st May 1894.

R. S. Cufflin
W. H. Walkley
J. T. Johnson, churchwardens
W. F. Dewey - Vestry Clerk

Site: St Mary Magdalene Gardens (1 memorial)

N7, Holloway Road

St Mary Magdalene was built in 1814 as a chapel of ease to Islington Parish Church, the parish having grown from the mid C18th onwards, and became a parish in its own right in 1894. The former burial ground was converted as public gardens and opened in May of that year.

The plaque is on a gate post on Holloway Road.

This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
St Mary Magdalene Gardens

Subjects commemorated i

Rev. William Hagger Barlow

Vicar of Islington, active 1894. From The Eagle, 1891 "The Christian of May 2...

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Robert Stephens Cufflin

Churchwarden at Mary Magdelene Church, Islington 1894. Our colleague Andrew ...

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William Francis Dewey

Islington Town Clerk in 1894, 1897 and 1906.  Was interviewed by the Charles ...

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This section lists the subjects who helped to create/erect the memorial on this page:
St Mary Magdalene Gardens

Created by i

Islington Council

The Islington Book of Remembrance is an impressive undertaking: the database ...

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London County Council

Prior to the LCC London matters were run by church parishes. The LCC was the ...

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