
Max Wall

Erection date: 12/3/2006


Max Wall, entertainer, 1908 - 1990, was born here.
The Max Wall Society
The Heritage Foundation

Site: Max Wall (1 memorial)

SW9, Mowll Street, 38 - 40 Glenshaw Mansions

Credit for this entry to: Alan Patient of

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This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
Max Wall

Subjects commemorated i

Max Wall

Comedian and actor. Born Maxwell George Lorimer at 37 Glenshaw Mansions, Brix...

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This section lists the subjects who helped to create/erect the memorial on this page:
Max Wall

Created by i

Heritage Foundation

We believe this group now encompasses Comic Heritage, Musical Heritage, Sport...

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Max Wall Society

A society with the objective of perpetuating the memory of Max Wall by unitin...

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