Vestry of St Pancras
Gloucester Gate Bridge and Approach Road
This bridge and approach road was opened for public traffic on the 3rd day of August 1878 by Field Marshal, HRH the Duke of Cambridge, GCB, KP, GCS, GCNB, Colonel of the Grenadier Guards, Colonel in Chief of the Royal Artillery, Royal Engineers, 17th Lancers, 60th Rifles and 77th Regiment. Commanding in Chief the Forces.
George Alfred Nodes, Richard Kent - Churchwardens
Frederick George Baker, Chairman, James Balfour, Deputy Chairman - of the Highways and Public Works Committee
Site: Gloucester Gate Bridge (SE) (1 memorial)
NW1, Parkway
This stone records the opening of the bridge to the public. Another similar stone at the north-west corner of the bridge records the gift of part of Regent's Park for this purpose. The other two corners each has a bronze panel. See St Pancras for more information.