Erection date: 25/4/2017
Frederick William Owen Potts, 21 August 1915, Age 22, Berkshire Yeomanry, Aldermaston Lodge.
Arthur Herbert Procter, 4 June 1916, Age 25, The King’s (Liverpool Regiment), Cholmondeley Lodge.
Thomas Edward Rendle, 20 November 1914, Age 29, The Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry, Needles Lodge.
Site: Freemason VCs (21 memorials)
WC2, Great Queen Street, Freemasons' Hall
The Freemasons commissioned this memorial to mark the 300th anniversary of The United Grand Lodge of England in 2017 and the centenary of the end of the Great War in 2018. Unveiled 25 April 2017.
During WW1 628 VCs were awarded, more than 200 of those to freemasons. We do not know how the 64 names on these plaques were chosen from the 200 - possibly they all lived in London, or belonged to London lodges.
The 20 plaques are arranged in 3 blocks (North, West, South) around the central 'Freemason VCs' plaque. Each plaque carries 3 names (some 4), in alphabetical sequence, starting in the top left of the N block, and reading down the columns in each block, so that is how we've labelled them: N1...N6, W1...W6, Z1...Z8 (using Z instead of S to get the sequence right).