
Freemason VCs

Erection date: 25/4/2017


{Below an image of a Victoria Cross medal:}
In memory of Freemasons awarded the Victoria Cross during the Great War, 1914 - 1918.

{On the grey encircling stones:}
Valour in the face of the enemy.
Fraternity - Charity - Integrity

Unveiled by the Duke of Kent.

Site: Freemason VCs (21 memorials)

WC2, Great Queen Street, Freemasons' Hall

The Freemasons commissioned this memorial to mark the 300th anniversary of The United Grand Lodge of England in 2017 and the centenary of the end of the Great War in 2018. Unveiled 25 April 2017.

During WW1 628 VCs were awarded, more than 200 of those to freemasons. We do not know how the 64 names on these plaques were chosen from the 200 - possibly they all lived in London, or belonged to London lodges. 

The 20 plaques are arranged in 3 blocks (North, West, South) around the central 'Freemason VCs' plaque. Each plaque carries 3 names (some 4), in alphabetical sequence, starting in the top left of the N block, and reading down the columns in each block, so that is how we've labelled them: N1...N6, W1...W6, Z1...Z8 (using Z instead of S to get the sequence right).

This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
Freemason VCs

Subjects commemorated i

World War 1

We'd always assumed that this war was known as the Great War until WW2 came a...

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This section lists the subjects who helped to create/erect the memorial on this page:
Freemason VCs

Created by i

Edward, Duke of Kent

Born London, son of George, Duke of Kent and Marina, the Duchess. Since 1967 ...

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This section lists the other memorials at the same location as the memorial on this page:
Freemason VCs

Also at this site i

Freemason VCs - N1 - Addison, Belcher, Bennett

Freemason VCs - N1 - Addison, Belcher, Bennett

William Robert Fountaine Addison, 9 April 1916, Age 32, Army Chaplains’ Depar...

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Freemason VCs - N2 - Bent, Bloomfield, Bromley

Freemason VCs - N2 - Bent, Bloomfield, Bromley

Spencer John Bent, 1-2 November 1914, Age 23, The East Lancashire Regiment, A...

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Freemason VCs - N3 - Cator, Christie, Kennedy

Freemason VCs - N3 - Cator, Christie, Kennedy

Harry Cator, 9 April 1917, Age 23, The East Surrey Regiment, Wanderers’ Lodge...

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Freemason VCs - N4 - Collings-Wells, Cooper, Cruickshank

Freemason VCs - N4 - Collings-Wells, Cooper, Cruickshank

John Stanhope Collings-Wells, 22-27 March 1918, Aged 37, The Bedfordshire Reg...

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Freemason VCs - N5 - Dalziel, Daniels, Dean

Freemason VCs - N5 - Dalziel, Daniels, Dean

Henry Dalziel, 4 July 1918, Age 25, 15th Battalion, Australian Imperial Force...

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