
First Belgian School WW1


"Not by bread alone doth man live"
To commemorate the generous hospitality of the Oratory Fathers, whereby the first Belgian school was opened in London and children exiled by the great war were prepared for their future citizenship by a sound and Christian education.
1914 - 1919.

Site: First Belgian School WW1 (1 memorial)

SW3, Cale Street, Oratory Roman Catholic Primary School

Credit for this entry to: Alan Patient of

This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
First Belgian School WW1

Subjects commemorated i

First Belgian School WW1

By June 1915, the population of Belgian refugees in Britain rose to 265,000. ...

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London Oratory

Popularly known as the Brompton Oratory. Founded the year after Cardinal New...

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