
Aubrey House

Erection date: 1960


London County Council
Aubrey House stands on the site of Kensington Wells an early 18th century spa. Former residents include, Sir Edward Lloyd Richard 1st Earl Grosvenor, Lady Mary Coke, diarist, Peter and Clementia Taylor, philanthropists, William Cleverly Alexander, art lover.

Site: Aubrey House (1 memorial)

W8, Aubrey Road and Aubrey Walk

Credit for this entry to: Alan Patient of

This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
Aubrey House

Subjects commemorated i

Aubrey House

Built in 1698 by a group of doctors and apothecaries as a spa. It was origina...

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William Cleverly Alexander

A wealthy banker and art collector, who bought Aubrey House in 1873 for about...

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Lady Mary Coke

Letter writer and noblewoman. Born Lady Mary Campbell at either Sudbrook, Sur...

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Sir Edward Lloyd Richard

It is difficult to determine who this person is. According to the Oxford Dict...

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Clementia Taylor

Women's activist. Born Clementia Doughty at Brockdish, Norfolk. She married P...

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This section lists the subjects who helped to create/erect the memorial on this page:
Aubrey House

Created by i

London County Council

Prior to the LCC London matters were run by church parishes. The LCC was the ...

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