
Anglo-Dutch friendship

Erection date: 29/6/1989


On the occasion of the visit of HM Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands this plaque was presented to St Katharine’s Dock by T. W. F. Flottilla to commemorate 300 years of Anglo-Dutch Maritime Friendship.  29 June 1989.

Willem Verbon

{In the pictorial roundel at the left:}
W III {under a crown} 1688
Admiraliteit Op de Maze {Dutch for Admiralty of the Maze}

{The head surely represents William. The ship might reference William's 1688 invasion or the Admiralty of the Maze or both. We cannot identify the building.}

Verbon 1988

We've not done well with this memorial. Can't explain the connection (assuming there is one) between King William and St Katharine's Docks. Nor why the Admiralty of the Maze/Rotterdam has been chosen to be named rather than any, or all, of the other 4 Dutch Admiralties (and the sculptor also coming from Rotterdam suggests a connection). Nor can we identify the building shown on the roundel. Kensington Palace is a candidate but we can't see any resemblance. And we don't even know if T. W. F. Flottilla is a company or a person. Rubbish really!

Site: William III at St Katharine's Docks (2 memorials)

E1, St Katharine's Lock, Dockmaster's house

Of the three plaques in this picture the left-most is a modern information panel explaining how locks work so it does not qualify for our attentions.

London Details gives some interesting literary references to St Katharine Docks.

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This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
Anglo-Dutch friendship

Subjects commemorated i

300 years of Anglo-Dutch Maritine Friendship

Both sea-faring, Protestant nations, relations have been pretty good since Wi...

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King William III (of Orange)

Son of William II, Prince of Orange, and Mary Stuart (daughter of Charles I)....

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This section lists the subjects who helped to create/erect the memorial on this page:
Anglo-Dutch friendship

Created by i

Admiralty of the Maze

Admiraliteit Op de Maze, Dutch for Admiralty of the Maze, also known as the A...

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T. W. F. Flottilla

A company, a person?  We can find no information.

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Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands

She had a busy time on her visit to England in June 1989 to help us celebrate...

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Willem Verbon

Sculptor.  Born and worked in Rotterdam.

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This section lists the other memorials at the same location as the memorial on this page:
Anglo-Dutch friendship

Also at this site i

St Katharine by the Tower

St Katharine by the Tower

Very similar iron plaques can be found on mooring bollards around the docks. ...

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