This garden is named after Mrs Ada Salter, a member of the Parks Committee of the LCC from 1925 to 1941, in commemoration of her devoted service to the people of Bermondsey.
Site: Ada Salter Garden - lost plaque (1 memorial)
SE16, Southwark Park, Ada Salter Garden
The information board transcribed at Ada Salter Garden gives: "A wall plaque placed at the back of the once roofed rose-covered central pergola read 'This garden is named after Mrs Ada Salter, a member of the Parks Committee of the LCC from 1925 to 1941, in commemoration of her devoted service to the people of Bermondsey'." The past tense "read" suggests that this plaque is known to be lost and we certainly could not find it.
The 1995 memorial says "Dedicated by the mayor on behalf of the Bermondsey Metropolitan Borough Council as a memorial to Mrs Ada Salter whose life was devoted to the beautification of Bermondsey and the service of its people." This must refer to the original plaque since the Bermondsey Metropolitan Borough Council ceased to exist in 1965.