
11 Group Operations Room

Erection date: 22/4/1958


{The text on the badge reads:}
11 Group Headquarters
Tutela Cordis {the group's Latin motto, Defence of the heart}

{Below the badge:}
No. 11 Fighter Group Royal Air Force Operations Room, 1939 - 1946. Beneath this stone is the site of the underground operations room from which the greater part of the Hurricane & Spitfire Squadrons were controlled during the Battle of Britain.

During this epic battle these squadrons shot down over 1300 of the 1733 enemy aircraft destroyed.

This great achievement contributed largely to our ultimate success and survival and inspired Sir Winston Churchill's now famous words 'Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.'

Unveiled by Lord Dowding.

Site: 11 Group Operations Room (1 memorial)

UB10, RAF Uxbridge

That's not a low flying aircraft in our picture - we wouldn't have been calmly taking pictures if it were. The squat building behind the monument houses the stairs which lead down to the Ops Room and a quite extensive museum of the RAF in WW2. Above ground are a few stationary aircraft, including this Spitfire.

This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
11 Group Operations Room

Subjects commemorated i

No. 11 Fighter Group RAF Operations Room

 It was from this underground bunker that the air defence of London and the s...

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Battle of Britain

As part of WW2 the Germans set out to gain supremacy over the RAF in the Brit...

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World War 2

Sorry, we've done no research on WW2, it's just too big a subject. But do vis...

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Spitfire aircraft

From our Picture source: "Produced in greater numbers than any other British ...

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This section lists the subjects who helped to create/erect the memorial on this page:
11 Group Operations Room

Created by i

Winston Churchill

Prime Minister 1940 - 45 and 1951 - 55. Born Blenheim Palace, near Woodstock,...

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Air Chief Marshal Lord Dowding

Air Chief Marshal Lord Dowding, GCB, GCVO, CMG, RAF, Baron of Bentley Priory ...

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