Industrialist and inventor.
From Preston. Set up a factory with a newly designed method of cotton-spinning. He worked his employees, including children, very hard and became very rich.
Industrialist and inventor.
From Preston. Set up a factory with a newly designed method of cotton-spinning. He worked his employees, including children, very hard and became very rich.
This section lists the memorials where the subject on this page is commemorated:
Sir Richard Arkwright
Greater London Council Sir Richard Arkwright, 1732 - 1792, industrialist and...
Socialist and philanthropist, father of the Co-operative movement. Born Wales. Learned the fabric trade and in 1784 was in London working for a retailer. But he quickly moved to Manchester where he...
Person, Industry, Paranormal, Social Welfare, Scotland, USA, Wales
Industrialist and art collector. 1932 founded The Courtauld Institute of Art. Managed the family textile firm as a director from 1908, and as chair 1921-46. Served twice as chair of the Trustees ...
Part of the UN, the IMO has its HQ in London (we do like our initials). Always based in London, it began as the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organisation in Chancery Lane, moved to 22 ...
Born Wisconsin, USA, moved to London in 1880 for business reasons. Pharmacist, founder of the Wellcome Trust and Foundation. His collection of books & artefacts relating to the history of medic...
Person, Benefactor, Industry, Medicine, Museums / Libraries, USA
Doctor and Inventor. Born Finchley. He invented an indelible blue-black ink. Not to be confused with his son Henry Charles 'Inky' Stephens.
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