Place    From 1829  To 1890

Scotland Yard

Categories: Armed Forces

The first headquarters of the Metropolitan Police were named after the entrance on Great Scotland Yard. In about 1890 they moved from here to new premises by Norman Shaw on the Victoria Embankment, named New Scotland Yard. This had to be extended in 1906 and in 1935, that last extension being known as the Curtis Green Building after its architect William Curtis Green. In 1967 the Met moved to a new building in St James's, also called New Scotland Yard.

2017: Police moved out of New Scotland Yard, St James's and relocated, back to the Curtis Green building at Victoria Embankment, which will be known as New Scotland Yard (again).

This section lists the memorials where the subject on this page is commemorated:
Scotland Yard

Commemorated ati

Police at Scotland Yard

Site of Scotland Yard, first headquarters of the Metropolitan Police, 1829 - ...

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1 memorial
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F. J. B. Sheppard

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1 memorial
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1 memorial
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