Born in Dublin as Oscar Fingal O'Flaherty Wills Wilde. 'Importance of Being Earnest', 'Picture of Dorian Gray', etc. A flamboyant aesthete, he may have been Grossmith's model for the character Bunthorne in a Doyly Carte operetta. Would often stay overnight at the Cadogan Hotel (now the Belmond Cadogan Hotel) in Sloane Street and it was there that he was arrested for gross indecency, as told in John Betjeman's 1937 poem, 'The Arrest of Oscar Wilde at the Cadogan Hotel'. Died in Paris. Buried at Père Lachaise cemetery, Paris, in a tomb designed by Epstein.
This section lists the memorials where the subject on this page is commemorated:
Oscar Wilde
Commemorated ati
Oscar Wilde - Clapham Junction
The plaque was unveiled by actor Russell Tovey and Mayor of Wandsworth, Lesli...
Oscar Wilde - Haymarket Theatre
Unveiled by Sir John Gielgud on the centenary of the first night of An Ideal ...
Oscar Wilde reclining
Unveiled by Lucian Holland, Wilde's great grandson, who made the unveiling sp...
Oscar Wilde - SW3
Oscar Wilde, 1854-1900, wit and dramatist lived here. London County Council
St James's Theatre - 3 reliefs
The four bas-relief panels by Edward Bainbridge Copnall depict the heads of G...
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Leonard Montefiore
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Minnie Baldock
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