Person    | Male  Born 29/5/1630  Died 6/2/1685

King Charles II

Reigned: 1660 - 1685. Born at St James's Palace. The son of the beheaded Charles I, he was the king "restored" to the throne after the civil war.

Married Catherine of Braganza in 1662 but she produced no children that survived. Meanwhile, with his many mistresses, including Nell Gwynne and Louise De Keroualle, Charles sired at least 13 illegitimate children. Died Whitehall Palace. Succeeded by his brother James II.

He was a founder member of a company, the Royal African Company, set up for trade with Africa which quickly moved into the slave trade. He invested in the company and bought at least one slave himself.

This section lists the memorials where the subject on this page is commemorated:
King Charles II

Commemorated ati

Anchor Iron Wharf - history

{On the base of the monument:} Anchor Iron Wharf In 964 King Edgar granted th...

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Charles II - Sloane Square

{Running around the urn near the top:} Sweet Thames run softly till I end my ...

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Charles II statue - Soho Square

Erected in the King's lifetime - see Fenner Brockway for our list of other su...

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Charles II trampling Cromwell

Though the statue still exists we label it as 'lost' because it is lost to Lo...

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This section lists the memorials created by the subject on this page:
King Charles II

Creations i

The Monument - east and south

{East face - Latin inscription with a bronze plaque below:} Translation of th...

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