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Gilbert Miller

Categories: Theatre

Gilbert Miller

American impresario. Owned the St James's Theatre from 1943 to its demise in 1957.

This section lists the memorials where the subject on this page is commemorated:
Gilbert Miller

Commemorated ati

St James's Theatre - 3 reliefs

The four bas-relief panels by Edward Bainbridge Copnall depict the heads of G...

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Other Subjects

Royal Brunswick Theatre

Royal Brunswick Theatre

The Royal Brunswick Theatre was built on the site of a previous theatre, the Royalty Theatre (1785-1826) which had burnt down. The Royal Brunswick, designed by Stedman Whitwell, was constructed, st...

Group, Theatre

1 memorial
People's Palace

People's Palace

Proposed by Walter Besant the first People's Palace was built on 5 acres of land on the Mile End Road, starting with the Queen's Hall, opened in 1887. By 1892 a library, swimming pool, gym and wint...

Building, Education, Sport / Games, Theatre

3 memorials
John Galsworthy

John Galsworthy

Novelist and playwright. Born Kingston Hill, Surrey. Nobel Prize for literature, 1932. The Forsyte Saga is his best known work. Died Grove Lodge, Hampstead.

Person, Literature, Theatre

4 memorials
Eric Sykes

Eric Sykes

Scriptwriter and actor. Born in Oldham, Lancashire. As a writer, he worked with Spike Milligan on the early scripts for the Goon Shows. He wrote for many of the major comedians of the day, includin...

Person, Cinema, Humour, Theatre, TV & Radio

1 memorial
John Dryden

John Dryden

Poet and playwright. Born in Aldwincle, Northamptonshire. The first Poet Laureate. Died in London. Initially buried in St Anne's Church, Soho but quickly reburied in Chaucer's grave in Westminster ...

Person, Poetry, Theatre

6 memorials

Previously viewed

St Alphege, Southwark

St Alphege, Southwark

In 1880 the church of St Alphege was built on the eastern corner of the junction of Lancaster Street and King James Street. It was dedicated in 1882. Post WW2 it went into decline and was declared ...

Building, Religion

1 memorial
Princess Margaret

Princess Margaret

Born Margaret Rose at Glamis Castle in Scotland. Sister of Queen Elizabeth II. Married to Antony Armstrong-Jones, Lord Snowdon. On at least one occasion she illustrated the design for the London Zo...

Person, Royalty, Seriously Famous, Scotland

7 memorials
Mary Gray Ratray

Mary Gray Ratray

Miss Mary Gray Ratray of 41 Tavistock Square. Died St Pancras leaving a legacy of £23,000 to the charities of the metropolis. This was administered by her executors Edwin Bedford and Charles Jellic...

Person, Benefactor

1 memorial
Booker Prize

Booker Prize

Literary award. Originally known as the Booker–McConnell Prize, after the company Booker, McConnell Ltd who first sponsored the event. When administration of the prize was transferred to the Booker...

Media, Benefactor, Literature

1 memorial
Nathan Pass

Nathan Pass

NW1, Chalton Street

Google Streetview enables us to say that this plaque was erected between June 2014 and July 2015.

1 subject commemorated