Person    | Male  Born 20/12/1902  Died 25/8/1942

George, Duke of Kent

Categories: Royalty, Tragedy

War dead, WW2 i

Commemorated on a memorial as having died in WW2.

Son of George V. Born York Cottage, Sandringham. Honorary member of Lincoln's Inn. 1934 created Duke of Kent and married Marina. Rumoured to have had affairs with Jessie Matthews and Noel Coward. Died Morven, Scotland, in the crash of Sunderland W4026 "DQ-M" of 228 Squadron. He was on a " tour of stations" and his plane crashed on a hill-side near the Caithness coast. Of the 15 on board only 1 survived. See the picture source website where the story of this crash is well told.

This section lists the memorials where the subject on this page is commemorated:
George, Duke of Kent

Commemorated ati

Lincoln's Inn war memorial

We have never seen so many Cecils, Cyrils and Cuthberts on a war memorial, le...

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This section lists the memorials created by the subject on this page:
George, Duke of Kent

Creations i

Admiral Arthur Phillip

{On the west side, beneath the relief depicting a scene with 5 people on a sh...

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William Booth College - 1

The plaque is in the entrance porch of the building.

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