Elizabeth Barrett married Robert Browning in the St Marylebone Church facing York Gate in Euston Road, on 12 September 1846. Keen participant in spiritual séances, taking Robert with her, but he was less convinced. Died at home in Florence, Italy.
'How do I love thee? Let me count the ways' is one of hers. Edgar Allan Poe greatly admired her work and was inspired by the form of her 'Lady Geraldine's Courtship' to write 'The Raven'.
Her Wikipedia page gives a biography of her life confirming that she was born on 6 March 1806 in Coxhoe Hall, Kelloe, County Durham and died, aged 55 years, on 29 June 1861 in Florence, Italy. She was buried in the Cimitero Accatolico (translated as the non-Catholic cemetery) at Piazzale Donatello, Firenze, Florence, Italy.