Group    From /11/1552 

Christ's Hospital

Categories: Education, Social Welfare

Founded by Edward VI in the remains of Greyfriars Monastery for the education of poor children. The first pupils arrived in November 1552. In 1682 Sir Robert Clayton erected much of the building, designed by Wren, together with a statue of Edward VI.  Popularly known as The Bluecoat School where Charles Lamb was a pupil. Moved from the City of London to Horsham in 1902, and at the same time the boys' preparatory school also moved from Hertford to Horsham. The girls' school remained at Hertford until 1985, when it also moved to Horsham.  Part of Wren's building, the passage entrance, and the statue of Edward VI were incorporated into the Horsham building.

This section lists the memorials where the subject on this page is commemorated:
Christ's Hospital

Commemorated ati

Charles Lamb - Giltspur Street

Ornamental Passions have a good post on this memorial, saying that Lamb is sh...

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Christ's Hospital

Site of Christ's Hospital, 1552 - 1902 The Corporation of the City of London

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Christ’s Hospital School - sculpture - back

"On Quitting School" (sometimes "On Leaving School") is a sonnet by Coleridge...

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Christ’s Hospital School - sculpture - front

The children are marching out of the background, become older and fully 3D at...

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Edwards VI and VII

At the time gilded lettering incised into granite was a popular technique. We...

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