Naval officer. 1799, in command of the Sanspareil, was crippled in an accident, and rendered unfit for active service. RN Lieut-Governor of Greenwich Hospital, 1809 until his death.
This section lists the memorials where the subject on this page is commemorated:
Captain William Browell
Commemorated ati
Greenwich Royal Naval Hospital Old Burial Ground
The names on the monument are of men whose claim to immortality is their role...
Other Subjects
War dead, WW1
1 memorial
Major Byron F. Caws
Believed to have assisted Fowler in his work on the Concise Oxford Dictionary. The Latin on the memorial, 'castigavit et emendavit', translates as “he corrected and improved“, which is quite an ac...
1 memorial
1 memorial
Cadet Edward Sylvester Blake
Edward Sylvester Blake was born on 31 December 1896 in Wilnecote, Warwickshire, the youngest of the three children of the Reverend James Edward Huxley Blake (1863-1933) and Beatrice Harriet Blake n...
War dead, WW1
1 memorial
War dead, WW1
1 memorial
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