
(lost) Old Cock Tavern - Fleet Street - lost plaque


Ye Olde Cock Tavern, est. circa 1554.
The Cock was opened in 1888 with the fittings from the original tavern on the site [of the branch of the Bank of England] opposite. The records of the tavern go back to the early seventeenth century. Pepys says: "April 23, 1668. To the Cock alehouse and drink and eat a lobster, and sang and ... and then Knipp and I to the Temple again, and took boat, it being darkish and to Fox Hall". Alas there are now no Vauxhall Gardens where we can take our "Knipp" but there is still The Cock."

The quotation compares The Cock with Vauxhall Gardens.

Site: Old Cock Tavern and the Society of Industrial Designers (3 memorials)

EC4, Fleet Street, 22, Ye Olde Cock Tavern

We photographed this plaque in Sept 2003, but on returning to photograph the building in March 2008, the plaque had gone.

2021: we returned to find a new, brass, plaque in place with the same wording, bar the heading.  So we've added that to this page.

This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
Old Cock Tavern - Fleet Street - lost plaque

Subjects commemorated i

Bank of England, Law Courts branch

This building is at 194 Fleet Street, between the Law Courts and Chancery Lan...

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Old Cock Tavern - Fleet Street

From PubWiki: "It was originally established in 1549 on the north side of Fle...

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Samuel Pepys

Diarist and Secretary of the Admiralty.  Born Salisbury Court, where his fath...

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This section lists the other memorials at the same location as the memorial on this page:
Old Cock Tavern - Fleet Street - lost plaque

Also at this site i

Old Cock Tavern - Fleet Street

Old Cock Tavern - Fleet Street

{Same as on the lost plaque but without the heading.}

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Society of Industrial Artists and Designers

Society of Industrial Artists and Designers

In this tavern the Society of Industrial Artists and Designers, founded 1930,...

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