
Marc Bolan shrine - plaque - Currie

Erection date: 2005


Steve Currie, 20th May 1947 - 28th April 1981. Original bassist with T-Rex. Steve was the longest serving T-Rex member (other than Bolan) & also worked with Chris Spedding & Wreckless Eric. Steve died in a car crash in Portugal.

Site: Marc Bolan shrine (10 memorials)

SW13, Queen's Ride

This site has evolved over the years from flowers place around the tree to become the shrine that it is today.  The steps were probably introduced to give visitors somewhere safe to stand, off the busy road.  Opposite the tree a sturdy notice board has been erected on which fans can attach their drawings, personal messages, etc.  The bust, in 2013, has been wrapped in a black feather boa with some purple tinsel, and decorated with a few white swans at the front.  

The risers of the steps provide space for small brass plaques - memorials for people related to Bolan, such as members of T Rex.  Plaques for Took, Currie, June Bolan, Finn and TAG are all on the top riser.  Dines occupies the first plaque space on the next riser down.

More photos and information at Flickering Lamps.

This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
Marc Bolan shrine - plaque - Currie

Subjects commemorated i

Tyrannosaurus Rex / T.Rex

Formed by Marc Bolan and Steve Took as Tyrannosaurus Rex, the name was shorte...

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Steve Currie

Bass guitarist.  Born Grimsby.  Joined T-Rex in November 1970 and left late 1...

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This section lists the subjects who helped to create/erect the memorial on this page:
Marc Bolan shrine - plaque - Currie

Created by i

TAG (T-Rex Action Group)

TAG is the legal leaseholder of the site of the Marc Bolan Shrine.  They arra...

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This section lists the other memorials at the same location as the memorial on this page:
Marc Bolan shrine - plaque - Currie

Also at this site i

Marc Bolan shrine - bust

Marc Bolan shrine - bust

Unveiled by Rolan Bolan, Marc's son, to commemorate the 25th anniversary of B...

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Marc Bolan shrine - plaque - Dines

Marc Bolan shrine - plaque - Dines

Peter (Dino) Dines, Dec. 17th 1944 - 28th Jan. 2004. Keyboards. A member of...

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Marc Bolan shrine - plaque - Finn

Marc Bolan shrine - plaque - Finn

Mickey Finn, 3rd June 1947 - 11th January 2003. Mickey joined Marc in late 1...

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Marc Bolan shrine - plaque - June

Marc Bolan shrine - plaque - June

To people who don't have any prior knowledge that last sentence is a bit of a...

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