Erection date: 1866
{On the front of the plinth:}
To the great arctic navigator and his brave companions who sacrificed their lives in completing the discovery of the North West Passage. A.D. 1847 - 8.
Erected by the unanimous vote of parliament.
{On the right face of the plinth:}
{Plaque listing 67 names of the men on SS Erebus lost on the expedition.}
{Carved in the marble above plaque:}
Her Majesty's ship Erebus
{and below the plaque:}
"They forged the last link with their lives".
{On the left face of the plinth:}
{Plaque listing 62 names of the men on SS Terror lost on the expedition.
{Carved in the marble above plaque:}
Her Majesty's ship Terror
{and below the plaque:}
"They forged the last link with their lives".
{These two lists of names are grouped by role (e.g. Officer) but are not alphabetical. See Subjects Commemorated for these 129 names.}
The base has a beautifully modelled bronze cornice showing acorns and oak leaves.
{The front face of the plinth carries a bronze relief depicting Franklin's funeral on the ice. There is apparently a bronze relief on the back face showing a chart of the arctic showing Melville Sound etc. But this is only visible from inside the garden which is private.}
Site: John Franklin statue (1 memorial)
SW1, Waterloo Place