
Highgate Branch Library - inside

Erection date: 18/10/1906


Borough of St Pancras - Highgate Branch Library
This library was opened by His Worship the Mayor of St Pancras, Councillor George Hickling JP, on the 18th Octr. 1906.
Councillor H. T. Ashby - Chairman of the Education and Public Libraries Committee
Alderman S. R. Lamble - Chairman of the Sites and Buildings Sub-Committee
Wm Nisbet Blair, CE - Architect
C. H. F. Barrett - Town Clerk

Site: Highgate Branch Library (2 memorials)

N19, Chester Road, Highgate Branch Library

The two plaques appear to be back to back; the outside one being the foundation stone and the inside one the opening stone.

To the left, at the rear of the building there is a charming little Art Deco extension: The Children's Corner.

This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
Highgate Branch Library - inside

Subjects commemorated i

C. H. F. Barrett

Vestry Clerk. St Pancras Vestry, his tenure including the period 1897 -1906. ...

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William Nisbet Blair

Architect. Born Morpeth, Northumberland. Appointed St Pancras Borough Enginee...

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Councillor George Hickling

Mayor of St Pancras 1905 - 6. Kentish Towner refers to "a coal merchants Geor...

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S. R. Lamble

Builder, active in 1891.

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This section lists the other memorials at the same location as the memorial on this page:
Highgate Branch Library - inside

Also at this site i

Highgate Branch Library - outside

Highgate Branch Library - outside

St Pancras Borough Council This stone was laid on Thursday the 14th. June 19...

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