
Earlforward's bookshop


The Amwell Society
Near this site stood Henry Earlforward's bookshop in Arnold Bennett's 1923 novel "Riceyman Steps" set in Clerkenwell.
Arnold Bennett Society
London Ryan Hotel

Roy Hattersley, a Bennett enthusiast, unveiled the plaque.

Site: Earlforward's bookshop (1 memorial)

WC1, King's Cross Road, Travel Lodge

The book, published in 1923, contains a vivid description of this area in 1919, just after WWI. The Riceyman Steps themselves are modelled on the steps leading up to Granville Square from King's Cross Road.

This section lists the subjects commemorated on the memorial on this page:
Earlforward's bookshop

Subjects commemorated i

Henry Earlforward's bookshop

Bookshop in Arnold Bennett's 1923 novel "Riceyman Steps" set in Clerkenwell.

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Arnold Bennett

Born 92 (then 90) Hope Street, Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent. The "Five Towns" in hi...

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This section lists the subjects who helped to create/erect the memorial on this page:
Earlforward's bookshop

Created by i

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